F. Lawrence & Buddy
F.Lawrence and his friend Buddy bonded quickly and are always found roaming the pasture together. Buddy was left at the park in Arroyo Grande, where sadly many roosters are dumped and left to fend for themselves. They most often don’t survive because roosters need care just like other farm animals! F. Lawrence (pronounced Florence) was a backyard rooster, much-loved by his owners and hated by the neighborhood HOA. His family drove for hours to bring him to the Sanctuary. He’s a part of our rooster coop now and has made many friends!

Unwanted in his neighborhood due to their Rooster ordinance, Peewee needed a new home FAST! Even though he's a small bantam rooster, he has a lot of bravado, and likes to hitch a ride on the backs of his goat friends. He's safe and happy now and can sing to his heart's content!

Star is our Silver Sebright Bantam Rooster. Star came to us from a family who had unfortunately discovered that their neighborhood had an ordinance against roosters. He was one of a group of chicks that were supposedly all female, until the day Star began to crow!