Welcome to Martha’s Farm Animal Sanctuary adoption program!
We’ve worked hard to create a top-notch sanctuary for our animal residents. The fixed costs to keep everyone safe and healthy include animal feed, supplies, veterinary care, and our dedicated caregivers. The various pastures, pens, coops, shelters, and barns need constant maintenance as well. When we provide sanctuary to animals, it’s for a lifetime. When you adopt, you support our mission to provide lifelong care. Sponsorships are also a unique, compassionate gift for friends and family. Sponsorship certificates, and a personalized message, can be sent directly to your gift recipient. To symbolically adopt one of our residents, please select one below, then choose your level and frequency of support.
Please note: all sponsorship items will be delivered via email to you or your gift recipient.
Digital & printed certificate
8x10 print of your animal
One merch item of your choice
Private tour with the founders at your one year adoption anniversary
Digital & printed certificate
8x10 print of your animal
One merch item of your choice
Digital & printed certificate
8x10 print of your animal
Digital & printed certificate
Animals Available To Adopt
Sharon is a female llama. She and her llama companion came from a local farm that features an 'animal attraction' center. Sharon and her companion were kept in a small pen; llamas need room to roam and graze in order to flourish! We rescued them (for an adoption fee) because we felt strongly about bettering their lives. They now enjoy a large pasture, which they happily share with our herd of goats. Llamas are protective and will alert the herd to any impending danger. Sharon is beautiful, graceful and intuitive. She will stare at you so hard that you feel she's looking into your soul.
Bonus: You’ll receive a bag of delicious Zaca Llama Blend coffee with your adoption certificate!
This male goat recently arrived from Northern California. We were contacted by a woman who had a neighbor that had several farm animals on her property, and felt she could no longer care for them properly. Sometimes circumstances change, and people need to safely re-home their farm animals, which is not an easy thing to do. We welcomed Casper to the sanctuary family. Casper was rescued by the woman at six months old and he's three years old now. He's a very large goat but gentle as can be, our "gentle giant"! He loves people and he's very affectionate. He's settled in wonderfully, and is getting to know his herd.
This Mediterranean mini-donkey survived Hurricane Harvey, only to end up in a kill shelter in Texas. He was adopted by an angel on earth, and was brought to her beautiful ranch here in the Santa Ynez Valley. Harvey had a donkey companion that sadly passed away recently, plunging Harvey into depression. Poor Harvey was so lonely. We agreed to bring Harvey to our sanctuary where he could join our herd of female mini-donkeys, never to be lonely again. Harvey is a hoot! He's only seven years old, which is young for a donkey, and he's full of energy! He's also very sweet and loves attention from people, always seeking out our affection.
Miss Piggy
Miss Piggy was rescued along with her two goat companions from a terrible situation of neglect. Luckily, a very kind and compassionate woman rescued all three of them, and took such good care of them. However, she was not in a position to keep farm animals at her property so she contacted us. We welcomed all three to the sanctuary where they are thriving! Miss Piggy has a winning personality. She's as friendly as can be with everyone, and loves meeting new people, and especially loves belly rubs! She's very organized and likes her shelter just so, and she also likes to boss around her piggy bunk mates. They all listen to Miss Piggy.
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea the potbellied pig lost her caretaker to Covid in 2020. The caretaker’s sister wanted to keep her to honor her sister’s memory and to ensure Sweet Pea would be okay. However, her landlord wouldn’t allow Sweet Pea to stay. This adorable little pig was loved by her family but unfortunately needed a new home. Easier said than done! We were able to make a home for her at the sanctuary where she is thriving.